With Kim Kalina, CCH, RSHom (NA)
During this three day Inspiring Homeopathy course you will personally experience and learn how to use this powerful homeopathic tool for rapid growth and transformation, by utilizing Dr. Tinus Smits' discovery of the seven Universal Layers: lack of self-confidence, affective problems, incarnation problems, lack of boundaries, old traumas, guilt and duality and the last obstacle to our unification with our higher self: our soul.
By meditating as a group, you’re going deeply into the energy of each universal layer through its associated remedy: Carcinosinum cum cuprum, Saccharum officinale, Lac maternum, Vernix caseosa, Rhus toxicodendron, Anacardium orientale and Hydrogenium, and you become deeply connected to each of these layers. In this way we learn much more than lecture alone can ever provide. You cannot help but be profoundly changed by this unique experience.
The Inspiring Homeopathy remedies are essential remedies to know deeply for any practicing homeopath!
True to Tinus' vision we have re-created his initiation experience here in the Netherlands so that this important work continues to thrive!
Kim Kalina, CCH, RSHom (NA) was honored to have spent time in with Tinus in France in June of 2005, immersing herself deeply in the experience of Inspiring Homeopathy. Kim was at that time one of 8 homeopaths from around the world invited to learn the philosophy directly from Tinus Smits.
Read more about Kim Kalina below.
The course will be given in a beautiful natural surrounding, in the biological resort of Mhartiste, : Burgemeester G.W. Stroinkweg 124, 8344 XR Onna, Netherlands. www.mhartiste.nl
Dates: 16-17-18th April 2013
Costs: € 575,- all inclusive lodging, biological meals and drinks
For bookings: bookings.IH@live.nl
Your appliance will be certain after payment, on account:
468196196, Mvr J Sinnige Tjassing.Haren
IBAN: NL37ABNA0468196196
CEASE homeopaths will get the addition IH practitioner on the CEASE website after following this course.
Accreditation is requested for NVKH, VHAN, VBAG.
The course will only be given with a minimum of 10 participants
Please book as soon as possible.
Kim Kalina, CCH, RSHom (NA)
Kim is a nationally certified and registered US homeopath, and has been a homeopathic practitioner for nearly 17 years.
She began studying with Tinus Smits in 2005 and has been using and promoting his work at his request ever since.
In particular Kim has utilized and taught his vaccination clearing protocols/CEASE since 2005, led several times a year Inspiring Homeopathy groups for homeopathic students and professionals since 2007, and also served as editor (along with Tim Owens) of the final version of Dr. Smits’ Inspiring Homeopathy book in 2011.
She is the Core Instructor of the North American CEASE Certification courses, and continues to teach CEASE and Inspiring Homeopathy both at home and abroad.
In addition to continuing Dr. Smits’ groundbreaking work, Kim has been teaching homeopathy for the last 13 years and currently serves as a Core Faculty member and Co-Administrator of the licensed and accredited Teleosis homeopathic school in Boston, MA www.homeocollaborative.org.
She also facilitates a private homeopathic consultation, coaching and referral service from her healing center in upstate NY.
Dr. Tinus Smits: “A distinction has to be made between the individual layer, and the universal layers, treating lack of self-confidence, affective problems, incarnation problems, lack of boundaries, old traumas, guilt and duality, the last obstacle to our unification with our higher self our soul. In totality there are seven universal layers. In this aspect of universal layers the individuality of the patient seems to be lost, but once the patient enters these universal layers, practice proved to me that these remedies were the best ones to resolve their problems and to help them to evolve to deeper awareness and more stability in both physical and emotional, mental and spiritual health. This gave me the key to the understanding of what Hahnemann had tried to explain by his theory of miasms, And what is even more interesting is that this way of homeopathic treatment goes really to the roots of mankind's suffering and is quite different from the classical homeopathic treatment, that's why I gave it a new name:Inspiring Homeopathy.”
91 new CEASE therapists have been certified last month. Thanks to Ton Jansen and An van Veen for teaching the course and thanks to Barbara Tibballs and Sue Homer for hosting it in Cambridge, UK.
We are very happy to have many CEASE therapists in the UK and Ireland now and also in Czech Repubic, Germany, USA (CA, CO, WI), Italy, Argentina, Japan, Israel, Egypt, Canada.
All practitioners can be found in our practitioner directory at: www.cease-therapy.com/make-appointment
About 6 years ago Kim Kalina, upon request of Tinus, started teaching Inspiring Homeopathy in the US. Now that Tinus passed away it's even more important to know that his work on Inspiring Homeopathy is continued and being taught this summer bij Kim
The 3 day courses will be taught Knox, NY, USA. The dates are:
- July 8th - 10th
- August 12th - 14th
- September 23rd - 25th 2011
Please have a look at her website for more information.
On a side note: Kim and Tim Owens are currently making the final edit of Tinus' Inspiring Homeopathy book which will be published this spring.
It’s an honor to announce that we certified 35 new CEASE therapists last month. In a group with people from all around the world we had an intense course taught by An van Veen and Ton Jansen. With the international release of Smits’ book about Autism the need for CEASE homeopaths is growing fast. I’m glad we can now offer the therapy in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Hungary, Switzerland, Israel, Romania, Austria and Norway besides the many therapists we have in Holland. Congratulations to the new international team who is eager to start treating autism and thank you for the amazing week we spent together.
Find their address at our new website (in progress):
On Holy Thursday in the nearness of his, wife, children, grand children and Sylviane he passed away.
Tinus Smits
Martinus Thielemanus
December 29th 1946 - April 1st 2010
Marie-Pierre Smits-Vanhove
Gaël Smits en Anne van Tilburg, Sophie
Erwan en Nadine Smits, Noah
Yannick Smits en Eelke Pollé
Vincent van Goghlaan 6
5581 JM Waalre
The ceremony will take place on Easter Monday April 5th at 3:30pm in the Onze Lieve Vrouw Presentatie Kerk, Eindhovenseweg 63, 5582 HP Aalst-Waalre.
After that the funeral will be held at the cemetery of the Primulalaan, Aalst-Waalre
Instead of bringing flowers Tinus would have loved a donation for the Bhaktapur International Homeopathic Clinic.
4 and 5 september 2009 the second group of 62 homeopaths have been certified to give the CEASE therapy. After 5 full day courses they are ready to apply the CEASE therapy correctly. The number of CEASE therapists in The Netherlands is now big enough to publish the book about the therapy in Dutch. After we certify enough foreign CEASE therapists (probably in march 2010) we will also release the English version of the book.
We now have 77 therapists located in the Netherlands. The only 2 foreign therapists right now are located in Portugal and Sweden. Click here for address details.

Congratulations to the 17 first Dutch homeopathic doctors who have been certified as CEASE Therapists. Their certification is a guarantee that they are able to apply correctly the CEASE therapy. They will keep in touch with each other and with Tinus Smits to develop further this wonderful method and to resolve together difficult cases if necessay. The results of the treatment will be collected in a database to detect step by step the different causes of autism and other behavior and developmental problems. In September 2009 a second groupe of 70 homeopaths will be certified, they have already attended a 3-days course of Tinus in May and have still 2 more days in September.